Our team has moved quickly in response to the Covid-19 pandemic and shaped our HarmoniMD® Health Informatics System (HarmoniMD HIS [Health Informatics System]) to be an effective, front-line tool to ensure high-quality patient care in the safest, most efficient and fastest way possible.
This solution can be implemented in LESS THAN A WEEK and is offered at COST to support healthcare institutions fighting the pandemic.
A high level overview is as follows:
- People concerned that they have contracted Covid-19 call a well-advertised telephone number for the area in which they live (their municipality, for example).
- Callers answer a series of automated questions (via Telebot) to assess treatment priority (Triage).
- The Telebot is capable of detecting callers with a medical emergency and offers recommendations to go to the nearest health center, emergency room or hospital.
- Todas las demás personas que llaman se ingresan en HarmoniMD HIS para ser tratadas a través de nuestra herramienta de Telemedicina.
- Those with moderate to severe symptoms (defined by international COVID-19 criteria) are prioritized for telemedicine appointments.
- Callers with milder symptoms continue to be monitored, based on international criteria, through Telebot sessions and receive instructions for home care. If their symptoms worsen, they are also scheduled for a telemedicine call.
- All callers are given a link where they can fill out identifying information (name, address, etc.)
- HarmoniMD HIS automatically assigns the location of residents with specific symptoms. This makes it easier to monitor potential outbreaks in specific regions to plan containment and distribution of resources.

- Analytical data is generated seamlessly, including easy-to-interpret graphs. These include: (Note that these examples use a very small sample. Actual data would include much larger numbers.)
- Data graphed on calls by—
Both/Both for the initial call—
And for follow-up calls—
Location: - More traditional reporting formats for Liamadas data:
- Detailed information about any completed telemedicine calls, for a variety of reporting needs.
- Data graphed on calls by—
- The HarmoniMD HIS patient chart, developed over many years of use with input from experienced medical professionals—including physicians, nurses, and specialists—has been designed to focus specifically on COVID-19, including documenting any contact with COVID-positive patients. -19, and is used to document telemedicine calls in detail, make referrals to the hospital, as appropriate, and document any subsequent treatment.
Please contact us for a Demo.